Friday, November 30, 2012

Amateur writing

I'm writing more. It makes me happy, it may be the one thing in the world I look forward to doing. I finished my novel. It's a memoir. It is really.... depressing. But it breathes life.

There it is. 50,000 words. But I have also been trying my hand at poetry. Failed. Miserably. But I am going to keep trying. My screen plays are much better. Comedies mostly. I would love to be a writer on a comedy tv show. I would also love to act but writing is my real passion. :)

Here is the poem I just recently wrote based on a date that I went on when they gave me flowers. I hate getting flowers...

Cut Flowers

A ritual kill.
                Sobs bit back.
I gaze upon the fallen,
In just the week of battles, the company of comrades croaked.
They lie, despite my attempts to save them, dead.  

A toothy grin. 
                Pangs felt deep.
I gaze upon the executioner,
                With every meeting his victims grow, he expects laudation.
He dresses in death’s robes, worn by the common, the wicked.

 An evil contorted mug. 
                Malice rises up.               
I gaze upon the damned,

                Their beauty and youth remains but soon will wither, pointless.
His eyes flash saying, “I’ve killed them just for you.”
See my problem is just that, they kill flowers as a way to begin a relationship. I would want seeds or a potted plant, that way as our relationship grows the plant would grow. Or if the date didn't go well, at least I could have the plant.
UH HUH makes sense doesn't it.

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